Promises Worth Waitting For!

Promises Worth Waitting For

God has plains for your life. Plains that will make you thrive and not knocked down by life's setbacks.
God plains are well worth waitting for. You may be tempted to take matters into your own hand, thinking God is just a little bit late. But don't risk God's perfect intentions for you by relying on your own schemes, by waitting for God's perfect timing can save years of heartbreak. Remember, God is faithful and always keep's his promises.
Even if you have to wait.

1. What promise have you been waitting for God to keep?

2. How have people's broken promises made it difficult for you to trust in God's promises?

3. How does it comfort you to know that God always his promises?
How does it challenge you to knkow that sometimes his promises take time to be fulfilled?

* Paryer *

God, you know what my future hold's. I can trust you no matter what I'm facing right now.

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